Poll: Hispanics, Blacks Call for Tighter Borders, Access to Illegals’ Jobs | CNS News

I apologize that I cannot get the article to appear in my blog but it was worth reading, so I felt that if you agreed,  you would click the link yourself and read it as well.  You can always come back and post your comments if you like!

Poll: Hispanics, Blacks Call for Tighter Borders, Access to Illegals’ Jobs | CNS New

2 thoughts on “Poll: Hispanics, Blacks Call for Tighter Borders, Access to Illegals’ Jobs | CNS News

    • You are so right, Harley! You won’t see this one the main stream news. Maybe I’ll send it to Fox News and see if they will pick it up?! Good for Serial Killer, the cat, for picking it up before me!


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