This Memorial Day, Deceased Veterans Considering Returning to Kick Ass

Thank you to E. Williams from The Barbed Wire for writing such a great article from the perspective of those who have given their ALL for us to enjoy what freedoms we still have to enjoy. You are losing them, people, and its happening right under your nose! AMERICA, BLESS GOD! ~ nanarhonda Copyright 2015

The Barbed Wire

HEAVEN (The Barbed Wire) – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday said the U.S. is breaking even against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“I don’t think we’re winning, but I wouldn’t say we’re losing either,” the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee told host Bob Schieffer on CBS’s “Face the Nation.   Well, isn’t that a slogan you’d like to have on your currency?

A stalemate between America and ISIS.  Is there anything more embarrassing? I mean, besides our current POTUS winning a second term?

On a day each year when millions of Americans take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices so many have made for us to be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today, those same soldiers who have already passed before us are wondering if they might need to come back and fight for us again. The consensus in Heaven seems to…

View original post 322 more words

Muslims Say Fallen U.S. Soldiers Should NOT Be Honored on Memorial Day

If the Muslims (CAIR) in The United States of America have the audacity to say this, THEN LEAVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and go back into the hell-hole from whence you came!

I have had about enough of CAIR, Muslim Imam rhetoric in THIS Country, and a POTUS that encourages THEIR freedom of expression and freedom of religion while supressing OURS!

THIS IS YET ANOTHER VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTION and POTUS HAS BEEN IN DERELICTION OF DUTY FOR 71/2 YEARS and NOT ONE PERSON IN DC has the courage to a damn thing about him or his corrupt administration!

Let it be known to you Muslims that would use OUR First Amendment to say such a thing that OUR SOLDIERS PAID THE PRICE FOR YOU TO SAY, OH, and to you ‘LONE WOLF’ ‘Radical’ Muslims, you are OUTNUMBERED and OUTGUNNED here in this Country and

We, the People, do not fear you!

~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015



How can anyone defend his not being a Muslim?  He went around the World and said that the U.S. is no longer a Christian nation.  IF he was a Christian, he would NEVER would have done that!  ~ nanarhonda

BRIGITTE GABRIEL explains Islamic Brotherhood

This is one brave lady who has my admiration and support!  She has been through a lot and yet she spends her time speaking out instead of just sitting at home with her family and enjoying the peace she finally has. ~ nanarhonda


Analyzing The Threat of ISIS to the US


Why has jihadist threat escalated in last 3 years?


Mazlberg | Brigitte Gabriel to discuss Hamas and the obscene treatment of Christians in Iraq by ISIS




How Jihadis Use Human Shields for Propaganda


Brigitte Gabriel Explains ISIS’ Goals and Explosive Growth


Brigitte Gabriel keynote speaker @United Nations conference against Anti-Semitism Sept 8, 2014



About ACT – Brigitte Gabrielle

About ACT.

Why am I so all about her?  Well, she is one woman who is out to make a difference!  I admire her courage, her tenacity, and her bravery.  She is doing things that I only wish I could do!

I will be sharing many of her videos.  I just watched her address the UN in 2012!  THE UNITED NATIONS!  There is no one in our government with the courage to do that!  She is speaking out against ISIS and speaking for Israel!  I agree with her wholeheartedly.  So you will be seeing more and more videos by her.  If you don’t like them, by pass them.  I will always put a comment area so you can send me a comment if you like.

nanarhonda ~ Copyright 2015

P.S.  The above link is to my local chapter.  If you are in Wisconsin… this is the place to connect to if you are interested.

Chris Wallace BLASTS ‘Dicey Politics’ Of Netanyahu Sneaking In To Address Congress

As much as I despise Speaker Boehner, I have to give him credit for showing Israel that Americans DO stand for Israel, and that POTUS is not speaking for We, the People of the United States of America.

Chris Wallace is showing his TRUE COLORS in this video.

Someone has to speak for the Americans to our only Ally in the Middle East as POTUS has been destroying our Nation’s reputation worldwide for the past six years.