This Memorial Day, Deceased Veterans Considering Returning to Kick Ass

Thank you to E. Williams from The Barbed Wire for writing such a great article from the perspective of those who have given their ALL for us to enjoy what freedoms we still have to enjoy. You are losing them, people, and its happening right under your nose! AMERICA, BLESS GOD! ~ nanarhonda Copyright 2015

The Barbed Wire

HEAVEN (The Barbed Wire) – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday said the U.S. is breaking even against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“I don’t think we’re winning, but I wouldn’t say we’re losing either,” the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee told host Bob Schieffer on CBS’s “Face the Nation.   Well, isn’t that a slogan you’d like to have on your currency?

A stalemate between America and ISIS.  Is there anything more embarrassing? I mean, besides our current POTUS winning a second term?

On a day each year when millions of Americans take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices so many have made for us to be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today, those same soldiers who have already passed before us are wondering if they might need to come back and fight for us again. The consensus in Heaven seems to…

View original post 322 more words

Muslims Say Fallen U.S. Soldiers Should NOT Be Honored on Memorial Day

If the Muslims (CAIR) in The United States of America have the audacity to say this, THEN LEAVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and go back into the hell-hole from whence you came!

I have had about enough of CAIR, Muslim Imam rhetoric in THIS Country, and a POTUS that encourages THEIR freedom of expression and freedom of religion while supressing OURS!

THIS IS YET ANOTHER VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTION and POTUS HAS BEEN IN DERELICTION OF DUTY FOR 71/2 YEARS and NOT ONE PERSON IN DC has the courage to a damn thing about him or his corrupt administration!

Let it be known to you Muslims that would use OUR First Amendment to say such a thing that OUR SOLDIERS PAID THE PRICE FOR YOU TO SAY, OH, and to you ‘LONE WOLF’ ‘Radical’ Muslims, you are OUTNUMBERED and OUTGUNNED here in this Country and

We, the People, do not fear you!

~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015

If the Flag of the United States of America offends you, then you’re in the WRONG Country!

StompingOnUSFlagThank you to Americans – Strong for this photo!


Seems like such a double standard… one is free expression and one is assault.

If the flag of the United States of America offends you and causes you to want to stomp on it, THEN LEAVE! There is nothing stopping you! OUR border is WIDE OPEN FOR YOU TO LEAVE!  Get out!!  Go!!!
~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015

P.S. Title taken from Ken Davis’ DVD shot in Sheboygan, WI and stands true today!


This company (if you want to call it that) has only its own best interests in mind.  Naturally, most companies do.  They are in the business of making money.

HOWEVER, when you return an item (an electric guitar) with their OWN TAGS STILL ON IT, and all they give you is 1/2 of what you paid for it, and they will turn around and hang it right back up where it was in the first place and sell it to another person for $49.95, this smacks of a lack of integrity.  The man I spoke to said, “It has to go to the tech guy, he has to restring it, and then determine its value.”  I told him that he “is full of crap.  The guitar doesn’t need to go to a tech to be restrung, it wasn’t USED!  YOUR TAGS ARE STILL ON IT!  You will hang it right back up and sell it to someone else for the same price.  So why not give my husband back the full amount that he paid?”  “Our return policy is 7 days.”  Oh, and they charge a RESTOCKING FEE!  ROFLOL  To hang a guitar back on the rack!  What a freaking joke!

Exceptions can and are made all the time to policies.  In this case, there could have been made an exception with the guitar as it was clear that it had not been used.  Sure, the rest of the stuff, dock the price, but the guitar, they screwed my husband over on.  (Technically, I screwed him over as I had wanted it and he bought it for me as a birthday present, however, with the swelling in my hands, I cannot play it.  I’ll stick to the keyboard.)

(The tiny amp & the cable my husband probably had to pay HIM to take.)

I kept the book as I can sell it myself.  But how do you ship a guitar if you sell it on eBay?!  LOL


~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015

Russia And Uranium Deal Shows The Clintons And Obama Is Americas Enemy

Promoting Common Sense One Person At A Time speaks out once again and I just have to share his YouTube video.  He has a lot to say about this administration and what it has done to this country.  See for yourself…  and visit his website at Whatever Happen (ed) To COMMON SENSE.
~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015


Hillary Clinton announces presidential run

Appears to be a phoenix rising...
Appears to be a phoenix rising…



She talks about “the deck is still in favor of those at the top”… Ummm… where does she place herself in that deck?  Oh, yeah, I forgot, she isn’t taking questions.

~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015

You decide for yourself…

Ok, people, I didn’t make this up.  I found this as I was looking for the update for my theme in my downloads folder that has WAY tooooo many items in it.  It will take days to clean it up.  However, I had to share this and let you decide.  

~ nanarhonda ~ Copyright 2015


British National Archives confirm Obama Sr


America Makes Bricks Without Straw

Excellent comparison and right on point! Thank you, Mr. Hood, State Chairman CPoW!
~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015

Clinton ‘Benghazi Group’ emails exposed

Clinton ‘Benghazi Group’ emails exposed

Mar. 06, 2015 – 3:35 – Buried in newly released State Department emails is strong evidence Hillary Clinton’s closest personal aides were running damage control within hours of the Benghazi attack


Greta is on the ball here as well!  This video is only 3:35.  There are so many emails that needed responses regarding to the location of Ambassador Chris Stevens.  He also had been asking for U.S. Security as it was becoming more hostile and he asked for help and received NO ANSWER.  I watched the men that went it regardless of the ‘stand down order’ that has been denounced now.  Had they been allowed to go in earlier, they feel they would have been able to secure the building and requesting helicopter rescue of the Ambassador.  Too many lies and very little truth from then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, who dared to blame it on a video and  it had nothing to do with the video.
~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015

What State Dept. guidelines did Hillary Clinton violate?

What State Dept. guidelines did Hillary Clinton violate?

Mar. 11, 2015 – 7:17 – Shannen Coffin: What Clinton did was illegal


Megyn Kelly is on the ball with this!  The video is only 7:17 so its worth your time watching!

Now, will the State Department comply by producing the document “OF-109” that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did it sign it or if she did not… she is caught both ways!  She has broken Federal Laws each way and now the Democratic Party needs to find someone else because Hillary Clinton has broken the “OF-109” Law.  Keep in mind, this is the exact same thing that Leon Panetta was just hauled into court for.  Why do the Clintons have this “entitlement mentality” where the rules and laws apply to everyone else but them?  Catching up with you Hillary… 27 years worth finally catching up with you!  And its about damn time!
~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015

Clinton: Don’t You Want to See a Woman President


She skirts around her issues that could actually prevent her from even holding office ever again!  If she can just keep  people looking the other way, they won’t see what’s really going on.  Nice trick, Hillary.  The Clintons have always felt that there were a separate set of rules for them and then the rest of the real rules for everyone else.  Status quo apparently… we’ll see what truly happens.
~ nanarhonda – copyright 2015



Jon Stewart Exposes Bill O’Reilly’s Stupidity on Bill’s show


I have missed out on a lot of great laughs because I never knew about The Daily Show!  I did post a debate between the two that had me laughing for DAYS because Stewart had a platform that would make him taller behind his podium!   Had he taken the debate a bit more seriously, he would have probably won more GOPs over, but he was hilarious to me anyway and now he’s done with the Daily Show.  😦 

I hope you enjoy this exchange on O’Reilly’s “The Factor” Where the spin stops here because we’re looking out for you!  (I have never understood what the heck he meant by that.)  I don’t enjoy his show as I find him an arrogant and rude man.  And then he travels around doing shows with Dennis Miller and calls it “Don’t be a Pinhead”… nice… name-calling from a GOP.  I thought only liberals did that Mr. O’Reilly.  ~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015



Clinton used personal email while Secretary of State

This was taken from an email that I get every day.  I usually don’t pay much attention to it but this one caught my eye.  What did she have to hide?  Why did she use her personal email account instead of the government one that is archived?  She has MUCH to answer for, but the big question is WILL SHE?
~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015


Kenosha News

Clinton used personal email while Secretary of State

Hillary Rodham Clinton used a personal email account during her time as secretary of state, rather than a government-issued email address, potentially hampering efforts to archive official government documents required by law.

Clinton’s office said nothing was illegal or improper about her use of the non-government account and that she believed her business emails to State Department and other .gov accounts would be archived in accordance with government rules.

“Like secretaries of state before her, she used her own email account when engaging with any department officials,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said. “For government business, she emailed them on their department accounts, with every expectation they would be retained. When the department asked former secretaries last year for help ensuring their emails were in fact retained, we immediately said ‘yes.’”




How can anyone defend his not being a Muslim?  He went around the World and said that the U.S. is no longer a Christian nation.  IF he was a Christian, he would NEVER would have done that!  ~ nanarhonda

Ventura sues HarperCollins over ‘American Sniper’

Article by: RANDY FURST , Star Tribune 
Updated: December 15, 2014 – 11:28 PM

Ventura Sues HarperCollins Randy Hurst












Former Gov. Jesse Ventura filed suit Monday against HarperCollins, the New York publisher of the book that a federal jury in St. Paul said had defamed him.

In July Ventura won $1.8 million from the estate of Chris Kyle, the late Navy SEAL who wrote the bestselling memoir “American Sniper,” which included a subchapter about an alleged California bar fight between him and a man he called “Scruff Face” and later identified as Ventura.

Ventura, who is also a former member of a SEAL unit, successfully argued that the bar fight and disparaging remarks he made against Navy SEALs attributed to him in the book had never occurred.

The new lawsuit says the publicity and controversy “generated by the false and defamatory story about Ventura substantially increased sales of ‘American Sniper,’ thereby generating millions of dollars in revenues and profits for Harper Collins.”

“American Sniper” has been turned into a movie directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Bradley Cooper with a limited release in theaters on Dec. 25. There has been no indication that the incident involving Ventura is included in the movie.

Kyle was killed in an unrelated incident after the book was published in 2012, and Ventura continued the suit against the estate, headed by Kyle’s widow, Taya.

Ventura’s attorneys presented evidence at the trial that the book permanently damaged his reputation among former SEALs, with whom he had a long and friendly association.

Taya Kyle’s attorneys have appealed the verdict to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Ventura notes in the new suit that U.S. District Judge Richard Kyle, who had presided at the trial, had defended the jury verdict in a subsequent order in which he said that Ventura had convinced the jury that the book sales had benefited from the defamation of Ventura.

The suit was filed by David Olsen, who was Ventura’s lead attorney in the defamation trial.

In the suit, Olsen asks for $150,000 but it is anticipated he will seek a lot more in settlement discussions that normally precede a trial.

Olsen did not return a reporter’s request for comment.

The suit was filed in federal court and is now a public document. However, Erin Crum, HarperCollins vice president of corporate communications, said the company’s attorneys had not seen the suit, and she had no comment.

Randy Furst • 612-673-4224

Photo: REN√âE JONES SCHNEIDER, Star Tribune file photo

So apparently, the $1.8 Million he somehow convinced a jury to award him from the estate of Chris Kyle’s widow and children isn’t enough.  Now he is going to sue the publisher of the book!  What a great and honorable “American”!!!!  Oh wait, he’s in Mexico.  Good riddance, stay there you dirt bag!  ~ nanarhonda