This Memorial Day, Deceased Veterans Considering Returning to Kick Ass

Thank you to E. Williams from The Barbed Wire for writing such a great article from the perspective of those who have given their ALL for us to enjoy what freedoms we still have to enjoy. You are losing them, people, and its happening right under your nose! AMERICA, BLESS GOD! ~ nanarhonda Copyright 2015

The Barbed Wire

HEAVEN (The Barbed Wire) – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday said the U.S. is breaking even against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“I don’t think we’re winning, but I wouldn’t say we’re losing either,” the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee told host Bob Schieffer on CBS’s “Face the Nation.   Well, isn’t that a slogan you’d like to have on your currency?

A stalemate between America and ISIS.  Is there anything more embarrassing? I mean, besides our current POTUS winning a second term?

On a day each year when millions of Americans take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices so many have made for us to be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today, those same soldiers who have already passed before us are wondering if they might need to come back and fight for us again. The consensus in Heaven seems to…

View original post 322 more words

Muslims Say Fallen U.S. Soldiers Should NOT Be Honored on Memorial Day

If the Muslims (CAIR) in The United States of America have the audacity to say this, THEN LEAVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and go back into the hell-hole from whence you came!

I have had about enough of CAIR, Muslim Imam rhetoric in THIS Country, and a POTUS that encourages THEIR freedom of expression and freedom of religion while supressing OURS!

THIS IS YET ANOTHER VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTION and POTUS HAS BEEN IN DERELICTION OF DUTY FOR 71/2 YEARS and NOT ONE PERSON IN DC has the courage to a damn thing about him or his corrupt administration!

Let it be known to you Muslims that would use OUR First Amendment to say such a thing that OUR SOLDIERS PAID THE PRICE FOR YOU TO SAY, OH, and to you ‘LONE WOLF’ ‘Radical’ Muslims, you are OUTNUMBERED and OUTGUNNED here in this Country and

We, the People, do not fear you!

~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015

Russia And Uranium Deal Shows The Clintons And Obama Is Americas Enemy

Promoting Common Sense One Person At A Time speaks out once again and I just have to share his YouTube video.  He has a lot to say about this administration and what it has done to this country.  See for yourself…  and visit his website at Whatever Happen (ed) To COMMON SENSE.
~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015


Well, its official! The Run for 2016!

Everyone thinks that the run begins when the exploratory committees are formed.

Truly, it really doesn’t begin until there are announcements for candidacy.

But it becomes OFFICIAL when the mudslinging begins! And it has!

There is an attack as against Sen. Dr. Rand Paul by Karl Rove & Jeb Bush! Bush hasn’t even announced his candidacy but he has the gall to go into cahoots with Rove to launch an attack ad!

The RNC, headed by Reince Prieibus, mailed, to all the media outlets, a thumb drive of Hillary’s emails.

Wouldn’t it be so refreshing, and actually worth paying attention to each candidate, if they each stuck to their own campaign?

Each person that puts their name in the “hat” for the run for any election would do well to simply focus their campaign on THEIR plans, their solutions, their answers to OUR questions.

No campaign should be “S/He who has raised the most money wins.” To be honest, it absolutely sickens me to see how much money gets spent during campaigns when our deficit is so enormous!

Every candidate should be available to the press, for answering questions, whether they like it or not. AND they should be available to answer questions from the people that come out to see/hear them while they travel to ‘get votes”

Each candidate should have a solid platform to run on.  They should be able to answer questions without having to refer to notes or being fed answers through an ear piece. Campaign managers aren’t the ones running for office so leave the candidate to answer for themselves!

What this country needs are solutions and plans on how to bring those solutions into fruition.

Mudslinging is for children and it doesn’t belong in politics!

~ nanarhonda
Copyright 2015

Sen. Dr. Rand Paul Interviews

First of all, I have to make it clear that I am not a Rand Paul supporter.

However, I feel that I have to speak out, in his defense, of how he is being portrayed in the media as of late.  It is quite ridiculous that he his harsh on women reporters/journalists.

Here, Sen. Dr. Rand Paul is criticized for ‘shooting’ the interviewer, however, if you will note, she did NOT give him a question, she made a statement and he wanted to correct the statement.  At the end of the interview, he was correct in how the media handles these things.  They need to come with questions that matter about the voting records, the bills, or the campaigns.  What she was doing was not right and it is exactly how ALL journalists and TV hosts are.  If it were Hillary Clinton being interviewed in this same way, and she responded in the same way, the outcome would be totally different.

Now here he is, criticized for correcting this interviewer for how she runs through a list at rapid fire, and he is trying to stop her because she is editorializing and not asking questions.  If she is going to INTERVIEW someone, she should ASK questions.  He has every right to stop the interview to be able to get a chance to ANSWER questions.  He has done nothing wrong here.  Again I say, if it were Hillary Clinton that were interviewed in the same way, and she responded in the same way, the outcome would be totally different.

~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015


America Makes Bricks Without Straw

Excellent comparison and right on point! Thank you, Mr. Hood, State Chairman CPoW!
~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015

Jon Stewart vs. Bill O’Reilly : What Fox Edited Out


I love the exchanges between O’Reilly and Stewart!  This is what Fox edited out from not of their ‘discussions’.  I hope you enjoy it too. ~ nanarhonda



Jon Stewart Exposes Bill O’Reilly’s Stupidity on Bill’s show


I have missed out on a lot of great laughs because I never knew about The Daily Show!  I did post a debate between the two that had me laughing for DAYS because Stewart had a platform that would make him taller behind his podium!   Had he taken the debate a bit more seriously, he would have probably won more GOPs over, but he was hilarious to me anyway and now he’s done with the Daily Show.  😦 

I hope you enjoy this exchange on O’Reilly’s “The Factor” Where the spin stops here because we’re looking out for you!  (I have never understood what the heck he meant by that.)  I don’t enjoy his show as I find him an arrogant and rude man.  And then he travels around doing shows with Dennis Miller and calls it “Don’t be a Pinhead”… nice… name-calling from a GOP.  I thought only liberals did that Mr. O’Reilly.  ~ nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015



My attempts to call Congressman Paul Ryan’s offices

Well, I posted to you the response I received from his office regarding what my message was.  He failed to answer the most important question.   Well, they failed to answer the most important question.

So Friday, before any of the offices would be closed, I called the DC office first.  I got the standard response, “All of our staff are busy taking calls, if you would like to leave the Congressman a message, press 1, if you would like to be transferred to his Kenosha office, press 2… I am not recalling exactly but it was something like that.  At any rate, I chose the option to be transferred to my local office to which I received THE SAME EXACT RECORDING!  Talk about getting hot under the collar!  First of all, this indicated to me that he needs to hire more staff if I cannot wait for the next available staff member to take my call at either office.  This is ridiculous as I am a constituent.  So I left a VERY precisice message at the local office saying that I want Congressman Ryan to return my call, not someone from his office.  I want to speak to him directly.  Of course, I had to give my name, address, phone number before I could leave a message so they can confirm that I am a constituent.

I expect to receive a call on Monday from someone in his local office.  I will repeat what I stated.  I will remind this staffer that Congressman Paul Ryan works for me, We, the People.  I voted for him numerous times.  NOT ANYMORE!  I will not vote GOP again because of him.  And I want to talk to HIM about it, not a staffer.

So, if I actually do get a call from him, I will definitely let you know what he says and how he spins it all.  He was once an honorable man.  Now power has gone to his head and he is just another cog in the political machine.

I encourage all of you to check out The Constitution Party.  They believe in only two things, the documents the Founding Father’s gave us and the Bible.  So do I.

Blessings to you all and thank you for visiting!

nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015


ICYMI: Ryan shares his vision for the 114th Congress

U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan - Serving Wisconsin's 1st District
CONSTITUENT HOTLINE: 1-888-909-RYAN (7926)   | RSS | YouTube | Twitter

February 26, 2015

ICYMI: Ryan shares his vision for the 114th Congress

Earlier this week, First District Congressman Paul Ryan visited with newspapers across Southern Wisconsin to provide an update on his priorities for the 114thCongress.  During the meetings, Ryan shared his vision for building a healthy economy and addressing the various challenges facing our nation.  Here are some of the highlights from these discussions:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Milwaukee Journal SentinelPaul Ryan reveling in policy, issues — and not the ’16 campaign

Ryan said he is eager to tackle issues on taxes and trade, where he is seeking “common ground” with the Obama administration.

Ryan recently led a Ways and Means Committee delegation on a three-nation trip to Asia. Ryan is hopeful for a successful conclusion to talks over a Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.

“If we can get that kind of a trade agreement, that means we have more customers, more opportunities to make things here, grow things here and sell them overseas,” he said. “That’s the kind of thing we should do to open up job creation.”

Kenosha News

Kenosha NewsRyan sees common ground with president on trade

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan said Monday as chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee his top goals include finding common ground with President Barack Obama.

“I plan on rolling out ideas how we can do things differently … I need to show how I can do that, not just talk about it,” Ryan said.

During a visit to the Kenosha News, Ryan, R-Wis., cited trade promotion as the one area where he already has some agreement with Obama and therefore the greatest likelihood for bi-partisan action to position the U.S. as the most powerful player in the international arena.

Janesville Gazette

Janesville GazettePaul Ryan: Obamacare alternative plan in the works

Long-term, Ryan remains committed to creating a plan to replace Obamacare.

“It’s making people buy coverage they don’t need or want, it’s raising the cost of coverage, and then it’s just subsidizing that cost,” Ryan said, calling Obamacare “a long-term fiscal train wreck.”

Ryan said his solution would mean better prices, affordable coverage and a competitive marketplace.


I have unsubscribed from every way I can from both Congressman Paul Ryan, Gov. Scott Walker, and RNC Reince Priebus…. and yet I keep getting emails.  What in the world do I have to do to tell them
nanarhonda ~ copyright 2015

FCC: You Won’t Know What’s In Net Neutrality Until We Force It Upon You

This happens TODAY folks! Don’t bother contacting your Reps… they do what they want anyway. Thanks to Gunny for posting this!


Friend of slain Muslim students rips GOP and Fox News: Stop dehumanizing Muslims

Shafi Khan on CNN (Screenshot)

 Shafi Khan, a friend of the Muslim students shot dead in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, blasted Republicans and Fox News on Wednesday for demonizing people of the Muslim faith.

“Speaking as an American Muslim, I can tell you that we can’t deny there’s a sentiment in the community that we feel that we were being targeted for our faith,” he told CNN “There is certain sections of the media and political apparatus that are constantly demonizing Muslims. And I want to take a minute and ask people like Fox News and Bobby Jindal to stop the dehumanization of Muslims.”

Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, was arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder Tuesday for the shooting deaths of Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21 and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.

“It’s really, really starting to take a toll. Last week an elected official named John Bennett who’s a state senator said Islam is a cancer that needs to be cut out of society,” Khan explained. “And the Republican Party establishment came out and made a point to say that we stand by him.”

Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has compared Muslims to cancer and Nazis. Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Dave Weston defended Bennett by warning Christians and Jews that Muslims would behead them.

“These people need to reflect sincerely about what they’re doing to the social cohesion of this country,” Khan said. “Imagine if someone had said that about the Jewish community. And the important point is that black lives matter, white lives matter, Muslim lives matter, all lives matter. We have to start putting this point across to the community.”

Watch video below: (Go to the website Friend of slain Muslim students rips GOP and Fox News: Stop dehumanizing Muslims view video)

Congressman Paul Ryan in yet another position of “Power & Prominence”… doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

This is an email that I received and I thought I would share with all of you since this came AFTER my questions and his responses (which I blogged about as well)) and he still doesn’t get it!  I told him on the messages that I left on his answering service in DC that because of HIM, I would no longer be voting GOP.  What does it take to get through to this man?  Of course, I unsubscribed after I copied and pasted this so I could share it with you.  Keep in mind, Chairman Reince Priebus lives literally a half mile away from me.  Congressman Paul Ryan is the entire reason I will never vote GOP again!  These are people that have been part of my voting influence for years.  Not anymore!  I now am interested in The Constitution Party ( and even if I have to write in a candidate, its better than voting for someone that I have to compromise my own values for!  Just wanted to let you know why I was posting this email!

It was an honor to be asked by Chairman Priebus to chair the Presidential Trust for the Republican National Committee, especially during such a transformational time for our Party.
Rhonda, the Presidential Trust is the most important resource our Party will have in the 2016 election. This fund will be used by the RNC to provide direct support to our Party’s eventual presidential nominee.
So I wanted to personally invite you to come on board as an early supporter of the Presidential Trust.
As you know, it’s going to be a long and tough battle to win back the White House. To be successful this cycle, we must be armed and ready early.
When I last served as Presidential Trust Chairman during the 2012 cycle, the RNC broke multiple fundraising records, outraising the DNC $390 million to $290 million.
This paved the way for all the great things we were able to do in the historic 2014 election. But we must keep going and growing to make 2016 our best year yet.
Republicans will be ready to offer new leadership and new ideas — and the RNC will be ready to provide our nominee the resources to win.
But it all depends on you, Rhonda. It depends on your commitment to victory. And it depends on your early investment in the trust.
Contribute today to the Presidential Trust.
Paul Ryan
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Paid for by the Republican National Committee
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Red states suffered higher rate of federal budget cuts between 2009-2013: report

I am reblogging this because I feel that both parties are just the same. They are both a part of the political machine of Washington and it is completely self-serving regardless of what We, the People have expected of them when we voted for them. We, the People, no longer exist to those in Washington, hence my reason for the reblog. I no longer support either party. You can see what party I support elsewhere on my blog! Thank you to lobotero for sharing this with us! He has a long history of knowledge of politics and I respect him even if I don’t agree with him.

In Saner Thought

Red state voters loathe the president and anything Democratic…….they vote for people that promise to slice federal spending and will be a better day for everyone…..

The problem is in their haste to send mental midgets to DC they are systematically screwing themselves……does that speak to civic illiteracy?

Red states suffered higher rate of federal budget cuts between 2009-2013: report.

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